s largest beef integration chain. ben also delivers routine work to a number of dairy herds where he enjoys improving herd performance and productivity. ben is actively engaged with the teaching of university students at synergy and has also been part of teaching projects abroad in aid of ...
Four universities agreed to distribute the survey link in October 2015 and 2016 (Murdoch University, Western Australia (WA); The University of Sydney and Charles Sturt University, New South Wales (NSW); and The University of Melbourne, Victoria (VIC)). The same invitation was extended to 14 ...
Sporadically, in rabbits affected by subacute or chronic forms of RHD with long clinical courses, it is possible to detect a second type of virus particle, the RHDV core-like particles (CLP), also referred to as smooth particles or s-RHDV [35]. These particles are found in large amounts...