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Both veterinary technicians and veterinary assistants are involved in work with a veterinary medical team. A vet tech or vet technician plays a more leading role within this team, and can be involved directly with surgery, administration of medication, and handling pets or animals in a crisis sit...
Earn the degree ofDoctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)from American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) accredited veterinary schools. To become a veterinarian, you have to attain the degree in veterinary science that includes the study of 4-years in veterinary school. Licensure After the completion...
At each subsequent node, the same division occurs with the student’s data being classified as “true” or “false” based upon that specific node’s statement (e.g., the student has more than 250 h of working as a surgical technician). The leaf node is the final output of the ...