Althoughsome rain was expected to move through the city overnight Sunday into Monday, it cleared up, setting the stage for a mild, breezy parade. The annual wreath-laying ceremony took place in Madison Square Park just before 11 a.m. NYC Veterans Day Parade route and street closures Over 1...
The amenability of the person to participation in the services of the program; The availability of case management and mental health services; The desires of any victim; The person’s history of prior convictions; and The probability that diversion will promote the service member’s recovery, prev...
Seaside Park, New Jersey Sussex, New Jersey Toms River, New Jersey Turnersville (Washington Twnsp), New Jersey Vineland, New Jersey West New York, New Jersey New Mexico Deming, New Mexico Las Cruces, New Mexico Silver City, New Mexico New York Attica, New York Batavia, New...