Old soldier homes never die; A $30 million renovation of the Minnesota Veterans Home campus will restore buildings that have provided security and dignity to soldiers and their families since the Civil War.(NEWS)Haga, Chuck
三座新的退伍军人之家为明尼苏达州农村地区服务不足的退伍军人群体提供了卓越的护理。 明尼苏达州退伍军人事务部采取以社区为基础的方式,在全州范围内为退伍军人开发住房,这些住房位于他们熟悉的社区内或附近:北部是贝米吉,西部是蒙得维的亚,东南部是普雷斯顿。
In FY2007, VHA operated 155 medical centers, 135 nursing homes, 717 ambulatory care and community-based outpatient clinics (CBOCs),1345 residential rehabilitation treatment programs, and 209 Vet Centers (generally these are community-based, non-medical facilities that offer counseling services).14VHA ...