SF-15 (Application for 10-Point Veterans’ Preference) for those that are claiming 10-Point Preference. Letter from the Department of Veterans Affairs that reflects the Veterans’ level of disability (e.g., 15%, 30%) for those that are claiming 10-Point Preference. Don't know where to st...
As an example, we have never listed mesothelioma lawyers for vet disability or for-profit colleges looking to help veterans with their GI Bill. We can also understand that vets may want "vet" mortgages, "vet loans," "vet" insurance, "vet" real-estate, vacations, shoes, pants, and at ...
Documentation ofService-Connected disability: Service-Connected disability letterANDSF-15 Application for 10-Point Veteran Preference (Asapplicable) The following documents are accepted, and may be required if applicable to your eligibility and/or qualifications for this position. Please use this checklist...
However, there are two exceptions to this general requirement. VHA is required to provide medications, upon the order of any licensed physician, to: 1) veterans receiving additional disability compensation under Chapter 11 of Title 38 of the United States Code (U.S.C.), as a result of being...
Development and testing of SwapMyMood was supported by the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Community Living, Health and Function (LiveWell RERC) funded by a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). SwapMyMood addresses ...