Business Assistance Small Business Administration Useful Sites Historical military personnel records (part of Register for free membership or access free at many local libraries) Military Salute: Lots of Useful Info! http://militarysalute.proboards....
Several Vietnam veterans have developed illnesses that are directly related to their exposure to Agent Orange. According to theVeterans Administration(VA) any service member who served in Vietnam “between January 9, 1962 and May 7, 1975” is automatically assumed...
Define Veterans Day. Veterans Day synonyms, Veterans Day pronunciation, Veterans Day translation, English dictionary definition of Veterans Day. n. November 11, observed in the United States in honor of veterans of the armed services and in commemoration
Agent Orange Michael San Nicolas Veterans Share Veterans, Agent Orange legislation on fast track to becoming law Guam’s long-sought inclusion in laws extending benefits to veterans presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange is imminent. The following is a news release from the Office of ...
An exposé of a horribly flawed veteran's administration Learn more Our Recent Victories Close to$100 Millionin Retroactive and Ongoing VA Benefits Awarded to Our Clients Over1,000 Appealsat the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims ...
Army Capt. Aaron Munz is the director of the Veterans Department at The Mesothelioma Center, and he is a VA-accredited Claims Agent. He received the Bronze Star in 2004 during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Munz has intimate knowledge of how veterans were exposed to asbestos because he served under...
I began the application process for his service connection death. After his death I will never forget going to the VA administration offices to find out what more could be done and the man behind the desk said, “Unfortunately, with your husband’s death, his case died with him.” But ot...
It took decades for the Veterans Administration to acknowledge the connection between Agent Orange and the illnesses of hundreds of Vietnam veterans. Now vets are fighting to get help for another killer they believe is connected to their service.
McDonough answered a question about the PACT Act which is a law that expands VA health care and benefits to those veterans who were exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances. He said of the claims received, they are awarding those claims at 75%. In Wyoming they have...
Over 65% of those with major depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Agent Orange exposure, or diabetes used VHA health care, as did 76% of those with a 100% rating. Almost one third of users of VHA health care were compensated for PTSD. In general, both inpatient and ...