Another veterans compensation is the Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) benefit which is usually paid to a surviving spouse, child or parent of a military member who died on active duty, on training for active or inactive duty, as well as for members of the army who have died on ...
If you've been denied VA disability benefits or a veteran disability claim, our veteran disability attorneys may be able to help you.
To apply for VA pension benefits, servicemembers must complete VA Form 21P-527EZ, or 21P-534EZ to apply as a surviving spouse. To apply for A&A or Housebound allowances, veterans must submit medical evidence to the following address:... Creative Resiliency Solutions are all around us. Visit or for face-to-face appointments or utilize the online registration. Our goal is to keep you abreast of service ...
Compensation (DIC). A child may be eligible for DIC if he or she is not included in the spouse’s DIC. There is also an income-based DIC for Parents. This benefit requires mailing VA Form 21-534EZ, Application for DIC, Death Pension, and/or Accrued Benefits to the closest regional ...