At DiversityJobs, we know the significant value veterans bring to the workforce, from leadership skills to teamwork to the ability to focus on the mission at hand. Our employers are committed to hiring veterans like you. the facts 90%
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Hire Veterans is the world’s #1 most trusted marketplace to search and find top veteran jobs. Quickly locate exciting jobs for veterans. Connecting top military and veteran talent with America’s best companies that hire vets since 2003.
The bill got the endorsement of Mayor Dinkins when the private-sector group agreed to offer jobs to any licensed disabled veteran at twice the minimum wage and to provide a $400,000 fund that will go toward maximizing opportunities for the disabled veterans. Peddling on 5th now a no-no for...
members in their careers, creating an internal database listing the special skills and experience of veterans, partnering with HR and hiring managers to create custom guides for new employees and applying veteran employees' direct experience with products to strengthen business and support for customers...
“I was looking for guidance on translating my military experience into something civilian recruiters and hiring managers would understand, and DFSA’s Bridge the Gap for Women Veterans program helped me do exactly that. They also set me up with my mentor, Summer McAfee, and she helped steer ...
When Steinberg works with leadership teams, she makes a note to double-check that headcount is justified whenever hiring plans are being discussed. “It’s not to be a killjoy, but to add in a checkpoint. It’s hard work to get funding or close a big customer, so when there’s the ...
where she was known for having broken a deadlock between conservative and left-wing faculty that had slowed hiring, and for having earned the good will of both camps. Einer Elhauge, a Harvard Law professor who worked with her on faculty hiring, said, “She was really good at building conse...