As a way of saying thank you, many employers throughout the United States have initiatives that include both hiring and on-the-job training for military veterans and their spouses. These employers recognize that the soft skills veterans have developed throughout their careers, such as teamwork, ...
As a way of saying thank you, many employers throughout the United States have initiatives that include both hiring and on-the-job training for military veterans and their spouses. These employers recognize that the soft skills veterans have developed throughout their careers, such as teamwork, ...
" Daniels told "It was instilled in me very early that this flag represents the freedoms we enjoy today. It's not just about the Fourth of July, it's not just about the special days; it's about every day. And that was something that I held near and dear to my ...
“I was looking for guidance on translating my military experience into something civilian recruiters and hiring managers would understand, and DFSA’s Bridge the Gap for Women Veterans program helped me do exactly that. They also set me up with my mentor, Summer McAfee, and she helped steer ...
members in their careers, creating an internal database listing the special skills and experience of veterans, partnering with HR and hiring managers to create custom guides for new employees and applying veteran employees' direct experience with products to strengthen business and support for customers...
For that initiative, alone, Vilsack told the House Ag Committee a year ago he was hiring 4000 new USDA employees and that 4000 more would be needed at local levels to gather data, do the monitoring, and herd farmers into the data-collection squeeze chute to participate in climate-smart pro...