The cost would be $1-2,000 maybe more and there was no guarantee the foal would survive. By the looks on their faces I knew they couldn’t afford it. Ben’s wife started ushering the kids inside. I’m used to parents doing that when they know where the conversation is going. It ...
Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley: San Bernardino (low-cost spay/neuter) Humane Society of Truckee-Tahoe: Truckee, Sierra County, Eastern Placer County or Eastern Nevada County (pet food pantry and low cost/free spay & neuter programs for Pit Bulls, Chihuahuas, and those that qualify) ...
Work on rebuilding the line, on the old route, commenced in 2002, and the line opened in stages, first to a new station in Ramle in April 2003, then to Beit Shemesh in September of the same year. The cost of the project, including the large new station in Malha and the small one...
- culture insensitive, PCR not cost effective - tx: high fluid rates 200ml/kg SQ to replace electrolytes and glucose (2.5-5% dextrose), bismuth subsalicylate and sucralfate, abx against lawsonia recommended but usually not effective (fluoroquinolone, TMS, chloramphenicol) ...
Maybe the bridge will collapse under their wheels like a chocolate bunny, but also maybe it won’t that sunny optimism is what being from Vancouver is all about. The landscape bridge looks kind of Uncanny to me here, because for the entirety of the time that I’ve been alive, it’s ...