For courses in animal care, behaviour and training, equine care and vet nursing Dedicated to Animal Care With over 25 years of experience, Perth, Western Australia based AVT is 100% dedicated to providing students with a pathway in animal care. Working closely with industry and government bodies...
VetPD – Veterinary Professional Development was founded by vets who recognised a lack of first-class hands-on continuing education courses for veterinarians worldwide. VetPD's speakers and instructors are hand-picked world-renowned experts in their fields, openly addressing the lecture topics with ...
often begin their first year at university alongside more experienced tertiary students, may have important implications for similar ‘non- traditional’ cohorts in a variety of other courses. Similarly the strategies developed by staff from the early childhood course are worthy of note. According to...
The purpose of this publication is to provide practitioners and other stakeholders in the vocational education and training (VET) sector in Western Australia (WA) with information on the processes and practices involved in an assessme...
This research aims to understand why Aboriginal students generally do not complete courses. The initiative is significant as it is the first time an Aboriginal researcher has carried out this type of research in an Aboriginal cultural way. If the truth from past Aboriginal students is not told -...
Teaches courses in marketing and Executive Development in Tourism Program Undertaken planning projects for tourism, government and non-profit corporations Formerly VP Marketing Hawaii Tourist Authority $50 million dollar budget The Chinese Travel Market: Open Carefully Frank Haas University of Hawai‘i ...
A specialist North-East oil and gas industry support and training facility has launched new subsea related courses in the Middle East and South Africa as part of the company's global expansion plans to meet growing demand from clients. T... PO &Amp,GTR Group - 《Platform Oil & Gas Technol...
• a review of entry requirements into veterinary science courses for students with a view to selecting students based on a range of attributes, to ensure those with the most aptitude for rural practice can enter the field, • creation of more regional university places, examining ideas to ...