VestasWind Turbine Technician II Full-time Crowell, TX (Escalade Site) Offering $2,500 Sign On Bonus... - Details below AtVestas, we're not just offering you a job, but an opportunity to elevate your career. If you're equipped with Basic Safety... ...
Wind Turbine Technician I(在职员工)-Hennepin, OK-2020年9月27日 The people I worked with at my site were awesome. Nice and easy going work environment. Management has its priorities a bit out of line, but overall it is a good place to work ...
Wind turbine Service technician (在职员工) - Ukraine - 2019年2月10日 You stay on your own, no one interested in development your skills, however when turbine breaks down you are the only one who bears the fault for inability to run the turbine. Every one will blame you, but no one wil...
Wind Technician II (Former Employee) - Ellsworth, IL - 14 May 2020 Vestas is well organized, and provide good, quality turbine specific training in the field(site) and at their training center. (Portland, Oregon). They give you the tools and knowledge to suceed. When I left, the pay wa...
Wind Technician II (Former Employee) - Ellsworth, IL - 14 May 2020 Vestas is well organized, and provide good, quality turbine specific training in the field(site) and at their training center. (Portland, Oregon). They give you the tools and knowledge to suceed. When I left, the pay wa...
Service Technician III (在职员工) - Leroy Mn - 2017年5月18日 Lead a team of 3-4 other people to service and repair wind turbine learned how to use and troubleshoot complex systems. Just a lot of heavy lifting. Also cold in winter and hot in summer ...
Vestas的员工点评2.02.0星,满分5星。Below average Wind Turbine Technician (在职员工) - Brighton, CO - 2024年12月6日 The whole on boarding process was ridiculous. A week plus of stupid training. Most of which could be crammed into a few days at max. Then was told multiple times throughou...
Wind Turbine Technician II (在职员工) - Blue Sky Greenfield Malone, WI - 2022年10月26日 A very good place to work...benefits are good, you are paid to attend mandatory company training, management at the site is excellent, PTO is excellent. Great uniform, tool, and shoe allowances. Ove...
Wind Turbine Technician (离职员工) - Fowler, IN - 2021年8月24日 excellent benefits and the training was fun and took place in Portland Oregon and everything was paid for. My site supervisor at that time is horrible though terminated my my employment stating "Indiana's an at-will state and...
Vestas的员工点评1.01.0星,满分5星。Stressful Wind Turbine Technician II (在职员工) - United States - 2017年7月2日 Stressful. I will not recommend this company to no one, lack of management, poor benefits (compared to other companies), starting pay rate is between $16 and $20 and this ...