VesselFinder is a FREE AIS vessel tracking web site. VesselFinder displays real time ship positions and marine traffic detected by global AIS network.
此外,'Vessel Finder'还能够为海事执法部门提供有力的数据支持,协助他们打击非法捕鱼、走私等违法行为。通过整合和分析'Vessel Finder'提供的数据,海洋交通管理部门可以更加科学、高效地进行决策和管理。 'vessel finder'对船舶安全与运营的影响 'Vessel Finder'对船舶安全与运营产生了深远的影...
Browser does not support embedded objects.Visit directly Show namesHide names*Note: If map is zoomed in large scale (closer to earth surface) ship names appear in "HIDE" mode as well. Map Legend
Vessel Finder AIS Tracking World Map
vessel finder app功能包括 - 每天超过100,000艘船舶的实时位置 - 通过名称、IMO号码或MMSI号码搜索船舶 - 船舶详细信息 - 名称、船旗、类型、IMO、MMSI、目的地、ETA、吃水、航线、速度、总吨位、建造年份、尺寸 - 船舶照片由VesselFinder用户提供 - 船舶移动历史 - 跟踪每艘船在过去24小时内的轨迹 ...
VesselFinder 是最受欢迎的船舶跟踪应用程序,利用大型地面 AIS 接收器网络提供船舶位置和运动的实时数据。 VesselFinder Pro 功能包括: - 每天 | VesselFinder Pro怎么样,是否值得买 |
Vessel finder - Primo Nautic 4+ Find ship, AIS, Marine traffic Ive Botunac 专为iPad 设计 5.0 • 1 个评分 免费 提供App 内购买项目 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 Primo Nautic 是一款为海员、航海者和海洋爱好者设计的一体化船舶追踪和导航工具。借助先进的 AIS 技术和海上交通更新,Primo Nautic 提供实时...
Route Planner is available to registered users. Please log in with your VesselFinder account and refresh this page.
If you experience any problem with the App, please fill out this form to contact us instead of writing a review here. We will do our best to solve it. Thanks! Visibility of vessels in the App depends on AIS signal availability. If a particular vessel...
VesselFinder is the most popular vessel tracking app, providing real-time data on the positions and movements of vessels, utilizing a large network of...