2 Photo of vessel XIN OU ZHOU maritimus 2 people like this photo. Upload date Time Resolution 02.Jun.2009 16:32 1491 x 1101 px ...auslaufen Hamburg - 12.05.09 Recent ratings 21.Jul.2009 22:06hanico 08.Jun.2009 16:17Doddy.
姓名 XIN OU 15 旗帜 China IMO号 - MMSI 413376010 呼叫编号 BIAB8 AIS transponder class Class A General vessel type Cargo Detailed vessel type Cargo 服务状态 Upgrade to unlock 船籍港 Upgrade to unlock 建造年份 Upgrade to unlock Latest AIS information Navigational status At Anchor Position r...
Xin Fu Zhou Xin Ou Zhou Yatian Express YM Cypress YM Efficiency YM Eminence YM Enlightenment YM Excellence YM Express YM Harmony YM Keelung YM Los Angeles YM New Jersey YM Ningbo YM Oakland YM South YM Uberty YM West YM ...
At the same time, it discusses how to carry out effective supervision on the responsible sea area under the complicated and changing...doi:10.1007/978-981-10-7179-9_44Dongming ZhaoTiantian YangWen OuHao Zhou
Further enhancements may be necessary to address their limited hemocompatibility.doi:10.3390/bioengineering11070700Xia, YuanZhou, HaiyunOu, Jing-SongLiu, YunqiBioengineering (Basel)
The parameter combination of the "Capturer-A" in the best working state is as follows: sampling vessel filter screen with aperture size of 0.150 mm, bent air duct with inner diameter of 20 mm, negative pressure fan with 1500 Pa and spore sampling of cylindrical shape. In the field test, ...
Tongtong Cheng, Yuan Zhang, Xin Lin and Jinkun DongCollege of Computer Science and Engineering, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China * Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed. † These authors contributed equally to this work.Symmetry...