pre-carrriage by 是前段运输,不一定是船,一般此处很少填写;VESSEL /VOY/FLAG 分别是船名/航次/船旗
提单上pre-carriage by 指转运上正班船前的接驳方式或驳船名称;vessel voy 船班和航次
提单上pre-carriage by和vessel voy (flag)是什么意思 pre-carrriage by 是前段运输,不一定是船,一般此处很少填写;VESSEL /VOY/FL 海运提单的作用表现在( )。 A.记账凭证  ... BCD 公司名称核名系统_好听顺口的公司名_公司名大全 企顺宝--专业免费公司名称核名系统,注册公...
Cargo Ship General information IMO: 9168879 MMSI: 357874000 Callsign: 3FCC9 Width: 40.0 m Length: 285.0 m Deadweight: Gross tonnage: TEU: Liquid Capacity: Year of build: Class: AIS type: Cargo Ship Ship type: Flag: Panama Builder:
英语翻译下面是NO.7 SAEHAN的 VESSEL NOMINATION,请您确认.- A/C :KOREA ZINC- VSL :MT NO.7 SAEHAN Flag - Korea / Built - Sep 1984 LOA - 88.83m / Beam - 12.60m SDWT - 2,999 Tons on 5.60mGRT - 1,592.00 Tons / NET - 597.00 TonsTTL TANK - 1,702.4
Fishing STIG RUNE is currently located in the Norwegian Coast (reported 11 hours, 20 minutes ago) What kind of ship is this? STIG RUNE (MMSI: 257109120) is a Fishing and is sailing under the flag of Norway. Her length overall (LOA) is 11 meters and her width is 4 meters. 总体 上传...
1英语翻译下面是NO.7 SAEHAN的 VESSEL NOMINATION,请您确认.- A/C :KOREA ZINC- VSL :MT NO.7 SAEHAN Flag - Korea / Built - Sep 1984 LOA - 88.83m / Beam - 12.60m SDWT - 2,999 Tons on 5.60mGRT - 1,592.00 Tons / NET - 597.00 TonsTTL TANK - 1,702.433m3- CGOES :ONE GRADE OF ...
pre-carrriage by 是前段运输,不一定是船,一般此处很少填写;VESSEL /VOY/FLAG 分别是船名/航次/船旗
Cargo Ship General information IMO: 9629445 MMSI: 636016126 Callsign: D5EP5 Width: 43.0 m Length: 271.0 m Deadweight: Gross tonnage: TEU: Liquid Capacity: Year of build: Class: AIS type: Cargo Ship Ship type: Flag: Liberia Builder: ...