The plans have varying ideas for the tar pits' Page Museum: One would add another story, one would enclose it below grade in a giant berm, while the third would add a wing and a bridge across the tar-laden lake. The most controversial plan is the one that suggests mov- ing the lake...
Rustic, charming property on a small pond with ducks and other wildlife. Owner has done all the renovations to the property himself. The bathroom counter and kitchen counters are slightly raised, which I found very comfortable. Nicely furnished deck with BBQ, which overlooks the ...
It’s a small narrow room. One window. A hazy light fills the room. Judy is a small bunny who has a tiny suitcase with her. There is a twin bed pushed up against one wall with a blue coverlet. There is a wooden desk and a chair and a small gooseneck lamp. There is one open s...
It’s okay. I like it here. The small people are really fun. I’d like it if The Girl would stop picking me up but at least she’s stopped walking with me. She’s a good scritcher. I like The Boy too. He’s got enough on his plate. All his spare time belongs to me. ...
Begin new book with firm ideas about where you’re going, what you’re doing. Conclude, after six months, “There’s no book here.” Realize, four minutes later, you’ve already spent advance. Return to work on book. Accept that “working on the book” is now your default position. ...
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Hard Surface Drives Concrete or asphalt covered driveways make the house and lot look neat and finished. But if your house is located in a region that receives a lot of ice and snow, the driveway may become impassable during winter months. Mixing small stones or pebbles into the poured surf...
Product: The Sims 4Platform:Xbox Series SWhich language are you playing the game in? EnglishHow often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)What is your... - 11611571
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“We just have different ideas sometimes on strategy. The important part of governing in a time of divided government like we have is communication with members and understanding the thought process behind it, that they have a say in it.” Still, Greene was among the conservatives sharply ...