A 26﹜ear﹐ld woman with long﹕tanding type 1 diabetes presents with an extremely itchy skin rash, mainly affecting elbows and buttocks. On questioning, she admits to symptoms of abdominal bloating and loose motions. Her drug history includes a basal bolus insulin regime and no other medication...
Mr Jones presented with an itchy red rash on the dorsum of both feet and both big toes. The skin had become very red and scaly with some sparing of the toes. He said it had only started a couple of weeks after he had started wearing his sandals. The skin was very itchy where the ...
This man presented with a generalised, very itchy rash. Examination showed widespread pink wheals of various sizes and shapes. In many places, they had enlarged and become confluent. The rash had suddenly appeared during the night. The lesions lasted a few hours before subsiding without trace. ...