The very hungry caterpillar 好饿好饿的毛毛虫 这还是一本功能性很强的书,他可以无形中帮助孩子认识时间,学习量词,掌握词语的搭配,了解科学常识,蝴蝶是毛毛虫变来的,但是他又不仅仅是一本功能性的书,他还用缤纷的色彩表达了生命的绚烂。 The very hungry caterpillar 好饿好饿的毛毛虫 In the light of the m...
Doyoulikethecaterpillar?Whyorwhynot?Acaterpillar Givethebookaname!发挥你的想象力,给故事起一个精彩的名字吧!Thevery ?caterpillar Enjoyreading享受阅读第1步:带着问题进入故事。Theveryhungrycaterpillar Doyouhaveanyquestionsaboutthishungrycaterpillar?OneSundaymorningthewarmsuncomesupand–pop!-outoftheeggcomesa...
The caterpillar ate through one nice green leaf, 毛毛虫吃了一片新鲜的树叶, and after that he felt much better. 之后他便感觉好多了。 Now he wasn’t hungry anymore 现在,他再也感觉不到饿了 and he wasn’t a little caterpillar anymore. 他已经不再一条小小的毛毛虫了。 He was a big, fat ...
- out of the egg comes a up and pop!- out of the egg comes a tiny and very hungry caterpillar.tiny and very hungry caterpillar. Story TimeStory Time He starts to look forHe starts to look for( (寻找寻找) ) some food. some food. Story TimeStory Time On MondayOn Monday, h 10、e...
绘本阅读Theveryhungrycaterpillar打包.ppt,* 绘本阅读课 ——北京东路小学校本阅读课 Picture Reading lesson 执教:北京东路小学 林丽 colour Food animal insect 30’’ Non-stop talking 小组内说属于这一类的单词, 30 秒内尽量不要间断、不要重复哦! What insects do
This five-by-four-inch miniature edition is truly tiny, with tiny type, but it is a nice size for small hands to hold and flip through the pictures. Despite its diminished state, the book is complete in every detail, following the ravenous caterpillar’s path as he eats his way through...
二.Look at the pictures. 1.观察扉页和Page1 T:What color can you see in the picture? Yes! There are so many colors! 2.观察Page2& Page3 T:Look! Whois coming?——Caterpillar!(做动作) One Sunday morning, there was a tiny andvery hungry caterpillar. Is he hungry or full? He started...
美国著名儿童绘本作家艾瑞·卡尔创作的The Very Hungry Caterpillar《饥饿的毛毛虫》,是获誉无数的经典畅销童书,讲述了一条不起眼的毛毛虫终于蜕变成一只美丽的蝴蝶的故事。当孩子们小小的手指穿过书中的每一个小洞洞,想象和模仿毛毛虫吃东西时贪婪的样子;当听到妈妈用形象的声音模仿毛毛虫破茧而出“Pop”的一声,眼...
In the game below, you have to help the Very Hungry Caterpillar eat the fruit and avoid the sweets as he runs across the page. For each game that is completed, you’ll earn a badge. Find the hidden seahorses in the game below. Help Mister Seahorse count his babies after they hatch. ...
C Eric Carle, the author and artist behind “The Very Hungry Caterpillar", passed away at the age of 91. Mr. Carle's lively creative, and colorful work continues to be read and loved by children across the world.Mr. Carle was born in Syracuse, New York in 1929. His parents were Germ...