Chill out in the Canary Islands! Book these cheap flights to Gran Canaria and stay in this top-rated aparthotel for just €110 per person! Follow us on FacebookInstagramTelegram Download our mobile app Receive alerts by e-mail E-mail address ...
The dirt road made our car jump as we traveled to the Millennium Village in Sauri, Kenya. We passed the market where women sat on the dusty ground selling bananas. Little kids were wrapped in cloth on their mothers’ backs, or running around in bare feet and torn clothing. When we reach...
(Inscription from the Grateful Citizens of Kenya) Like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering sword wielded from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a sword, whose edge Is sharpened for removing the infidels' heads Mother of Jihadists...