a6. Merge and center the range A3:A16, set the alignment to Middle Align, rotate the text vertically by using the Rotate Text Up command, apply the Accent1 cell style, increase the font size to 18 points, and then bold the text. Use the Format Painter to apply the same formatting to...
3.Generate PDF stamp of text, image, linein batches clickText Stamptab > click one option on dropdown listDynamic Texte.g., Subject > type characters in edit boxText Stamp\S> clickAdd, then related text could be shown in preview panel, and you can select its font, size, c...
Support text, image, and PDF as the source of watermarks Support stylized text watermarks that include text font, font size, font color, bold, and underline settings Support image watermarks in various formats (BMP, DIB...
Try the Rockstar PowerPoint template if you’re looking for a bold and edgy design. The template comes with more than 150 unique slides designed in widescreen resolution. You’ll also find image placeholders, five color variations, and editable graphic elements. 5.Retro PowerPoint Template The Re...
[CDATA[*/body,a,p{font-size:.85em;}input{width:100px;}table{border:1pxsolid black;}h3,p,td,th{padding:3px;}h3{font-weight:bold;}.matched{background-color:yellow;}.n{text-align:right;}/*]]>*/</style></head><body><scripttype="text/javascript"src="static/js/array_mapping.js">...
writeAttribute("font-weight", "bold"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ configureFontSize(level); writer.writeAttribute("space-before.optimum", "10pt"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ writer.writeAttribute("space-before.minimum", "10pt * 0.8"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ ...
join(tokens) wordcloud = WordCloud(font_path='/Library/Fonts/Arial Rounded Bold.ttf').generate(string) plt.figure(figsize=(50,30)) plt.imshow(wordcloud) plt.axis("off") name = 'static/' +str(employer) + '-pros.png' pic = plt.savefig(name, bbox_inches='tight',transparent = True) ...
sub('', doc['notes']))) #<m:bold>123</m:bold> <i>italic</i> <m:underline>under</m:underline> <br> <m:center>center </m:center> <m:right> tmpl = Template(template) return tmpl.safe_substitute(doc) 浏览完整代码 来源:Mendeley2Moin.py 项目:rfunke/Mendeley2Moin 示例9 def _get...
font_size = 6 ws.header_footer.center_header.font_color = "445566" ws.header_footer.right_header.text = "Right Header Text" ws.header_footer.right_header.font_name = "Arial,Bold" ws.header_footer.right_header.font_size = 8 ws.header_footer.right_header.font_color = "112233" ws....