We also observed that the BP was not only the mechanism of rain intensity enhancement but also a trigger for rainfall restart when precipitation and cloud are weak. This can effectively give a promotion to precipitation generation and break a stable state. We defined the time interval form one...
Time Graphs Average Speed & Velocity: Lesson for Kids Acceleration: Definition & Concept Determining Slope for Position vs. Time Graphs Constant Acceleration | Definition, Formula & Examples Kinematic Equations of Motion | Formula, Derivation & Application Ticker Tape Diagrams: Analyzing Motion and ...
Kinematic SimulationRapid DistortionStratified turbulenceWe study the statistics of the vertical motion of inertial particles in strongly stratified turbulence. We use Kinematic Simulation (KS) and Rapid Distortion Theory (RDT) to study the mean position and the root mean square (rms) of the position...
The distinguishing feature of a vertical ball screw feed system without counterweight is that the spindle system weight directly acts on the kinematic joints. Research into the dynamic characteristics under acceleration and deceleration is an important step in improving the structural performance of vertica...
The effect of vertical ground motion on the axial force variation is evaluated by considering the ratio of the axial force variation induced by the only vertical excitation to gravity load as shown in the following equation: (2) where AFV is the axial force variation which is defined as the...
(Kunze and Sanford, 1996) are remarkably constant at 10−5m2s−1, a value 10 times the molecular value for kinematic viscosity. These background values can be used for KM, KH, Kq, and Kl) overall. However, the region immediately below the active mixed layer is a region of strong ...
Kinematic and kinetic data were collected and the coefficients of variation (CV) for the intra- and inter-subject data computed for the ground reaction force profiles, and hip, knee, and ankle angles, angular velocities and resultant joint moment profiles. The mean CV for the subjects in jump...
This model combines the 2-equation SST k−ω turbulence formulation (Menter, 1994) with two transport equations that respectively solve for the transition momentum thickness Reynolds number Reθ and the intermittency γint (which determines the percentage of time the flow is turbulent, with γint...
directly as the difference between a satellite altimetry-based sea surface model and a geoid model but achieved by solving the equations describing motion of the water masses; i.e., they are based on solution of the evolving ocean state within a global circulation model over a specific time ...
A set of APDM Opal™ wireless motion monitors was used to obtain time-synchronised data on pedestrians’ motion. Each subject was instrumented with a single monitor attached directly next to the skin with an elastic strap, at the level of fifth lumbar vertebra (L5). The vertical acceleration...