垂直整合(Vertical Integration)是一种提高或降低公司对于其投入和产出分配控制水平的方法, 也即公司对其生产投入、产品或服务的分配的控制程度。 垂直整合有两种类型: 后向整合(Backward Integration)与前向整合(Forward Integration)。一个公司对于其生产投入的控制被称之为后向整合。 对其产出分配的控制则被称之为前...
垂直整合有两种类型:和生产过程的下一步进行合并称为向前整合(forward integration),和生产过程的上一步进行的合并称为向后整合(backward integration )。商业活动彼此之间的向前或向后取决于它们离最终消费者的距离的远近。 波特的价值链模型是对垂直整合的最佳理解与应用。垂直整合意味着公司的价值链与其供应商、经销...
Backward integration, forward integration, and vertical :后向一体化,整合,和垂直整合,后向,后向一体,向一体化,and,一体化,后向一体化,向一体化,向一体化,向整合 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 543.23K 文档页数: 46页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数:
Balanced integration is when a company practices both forward and backward integration. In other words, the company owns the full supply chain, from sourcing materials and design to its retail stores and distribution. Imagine you own a mid-sized coffee company, which you currently sell through thi...
backward integrationconsumer surpluscontrolling and passive integrationforward integrationinvestmentvertical foreclosurevertical integrationI show that partial vertical integration may either alleviates or exacerbate the concern for vertical foreclosure relative to full vertical integration and I exSocial Science ...
Backwardintegration,forwardintegration,andverticalforeclosureYossiSpiegel April26,2011workinprogressAbstractIshowthatpartialverticalintegtaionmayeitheralleviatesorexacebatetheconcernforverticalforclosureandIexaminethecircumstancesunderwhichitenhancesorharmswelfarerelativetofullverticalintegration.JELClassi…cation:D43,L41...
Such a firm may consider backward integrating into intermediate manufacturing or forward integrating into distribution, as illustrated below: Example of Backward and Forward Integration No Integration Raw Materials IntermediateManufacturing Assembly Distribution End Customer Backward Integration Raw Materials ...
Backward Integration:A company seeks to acquire araw materialdistributor or provider at the beginning of a supply chain.Backward integrationmoves the ownership control of its products to a point earlier in the supply chain or the production process. A furniture retailer may seek to acquire a wood...
Backward vertical integration can reduce or eliminate the leverage that suppliers have over the firm, and by doing so, reduce costs. Forward integration is when a company owns its distribution channels and retail stores providing control of delivery, pricing, and sales. ...
Forward integration extends a manufacturers control on retailing. On the other hand the backward integration allows the manufacturer to exert more control on the supplies so that it will have a direct impact on raw material inventory and its quality. The process of these two situations and their ...