5) upright cylindrical pressure tank 立式圆筒形压力罐6) elliptical tank 椭圆形贮(乳)罐补充资料:立式圆筒型燃煤导热油炉 链条炉排圆筒型燃煤导热油炉 导热油加热炉 加热炉产品性能特点及技术参数:工作温度:0~350℃工作介质:导热油工作压力:常压设计压力:1mpa供热能力:500~12000kw(40~1000万大卡/时)产品...
例句 释义: 全部,立式园筒贮罐 更多例句筛选 1. Discussion for several problems of vertical cylindrical tank during design 大型立式圆筒形储罐设计中几个问题的探讨 www.ilib.cn 2. Method for Calculating Optimum Diameter of Vertical Cylindrical Tank 立式圆筒储罐最经济内径的计算方法 www.ilib.cn©...
ISO15169:2003ENPetroleumandliquidpetroleumproducts—Determinationofvolume,densityandmassofthehydrocarboncontentofverticalcylindricaltanksbyhybridtankmeasurementsystems ISO15169:2003标准是关于石油和液体石油产品中碳氢化合物含量体积、密度和质量的测定方法。该标准主要适用于垂直圆柱形储罐中碳氢化合物含量的测定。 通过混合...
The flow driven by a rotating disk at the bottom of an open fixed cylindrical cavity is studied numerically and experimentally. The steady axisymmetric Navier-Stokes equations projected onto a curvilinear coordinate system are solved by a Newton-Raphson algorithm. The free surface shape is computed ...
The article describes the actual work's numerical analysis for unit joining walls to the bottom of vertical cylindrical tank of 50 thousand m3. Having analyzed the relevant stress-strain state of unit joining walls to the bottom vertical cylindrical tanks for different types of finite element model...
5) cylindrical oil tank 圆柱形储罐 1. Research optimal thickness of insulating layer of cylindrical oil tank; 圆柱形储罐合理选择保温层厚度的探讨 6) vertical storage tank 立式储罐 1. Dynamic characteristic analysis of base isolation for vertical storage tank; 立式储罐基础隔震动力反应特性分析 2...
For large volume porous structures such as rubble mound breakwaters, the energy dissipated within the structure can be approximated by Darcy’s law, where the pressure drop across the structure is assumed to be linearly proportional to the flow through the porous structure (Chwang and Chan, 1998)...
3, the pressurized methane-rich stream in conduit 151 is received in upper core 412 via upper core inlet 416, where the methane-rich stream is cooled by indirect heat exchange with the predominately-ethylene refrigerant stream entering the internal volume of upper shell 408 via an upper shell ...