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近日,肉类生鲜线上订购平台「Licious」宣布完成了 3000 万美元的 E 轮融资,由总部位于新加坡的 Vertex Growth Fund 领投,现有投资者 3one4 Capital,Bertelsmann India Investments,Vertex Ventures Southeast Asia and India 以及 Sistema Asia Fund 跟投。「Licious」
据外媒VCCirle消息,总部位于印度班加罗尔的肉类在线零售商Licious宣布获得了一笔21.3亿卢比(约合3000万美元)的E轮融资,领投方为新加坡的Vertex Growth Fund,参投方为3one4 Capital、贝塔斯曼印度投资公司(Bertelsmann India Investments)、Vertex Ventures东南亚和印度分公司以及Sistema Asia Fund。 据悉,Licious将把筹集到...
Baswana S; Khanna N.Approximate shortest paths avoiding a failed vertex: near optimal data structures for undirected unweighted graphs.Algorithmica.2013.18-50Baswana, S., Khanna, N.: Approximate shortest paths avoiding a failed vertex: Near optimal data structures for undirected unweighted graphs. ...
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