1.1.1 VERTEX-COVER ≤ P SET-COVER Pf. Given a VERTEX-COVER instance G = (V, E) and k, we construct a SET-COVER instance (U, S, k) that has a set cover of size k iff G has a vertex cover of size k. 给你一个顶点覆盖我们一定可以构造出一个集合覆盖实列,集合覆盖的解K就是顶...
1.1.1 VERTEX-COVER ≤ P SET-COVER Pf. Given a VERTEX-COVER instance G = (V, E) and k, we construct a SET-COVER instance (U, S, k) that has a set cover of size k iff G has a vertex cover of size k. 给你一个顶点覆盖我们一定可以构造出一个集合覆盖实列,集合覆盖的解K就是顶...
首先可以看出,这是两类完全不同的问题,set cover属于集合一类问题,应用于计算机科学以及计算理论方面。vertex cover,属于图论一类问题,应用于计算机科学、计算理论、图论、数学等等方面。
集合覆盖 顶点覆盖: set cover和vertex cover 这里将讲解一下npc问题中set cover和vertex cover分别是什么。 set cover: 问题定义: 实例:现在有一个集合A,其中包含了m个元素(注意,集合是无序的,并且包含的元素也是不相同的),现在n个集合,分别为B1、B2、...、Bn。并且这n个集合的并集恰好等于A集合,即:B1UB...
Vertex Cover 先来说说什么是 Vertex Cover,其实就是节点的集合,这些节点将最大地包含图里的所有边,更恰当的名字应该是 Minmum Vertex Cover,以选最少的节点来囊括所有的边。以下图为例 其中红色圈出来的节点就是 Vertex Cover。 Independent Set 再来说说 Independent Set,这也是节点的集合,一般是指 Maximum Indepen...
摘要: In this paper we describe a collection of efficient algorithms that deliver approximate solution to the weighted stable set, vertex cover and set packing problems. All algorithms guarantee bounds on the ratio of the heuristic solution to the optimal solution....
Given a graph \\(G=(V,E)\\) and a vertex set \\(U \\subseteq V\\) , it is asked if there exists a minimal vertex cover (resp. maximal independent set) S with \\(U\\subseteq S\\) (resp. \\(U \\supseteq S\\) ). Possibly contradicting intuition, these problems tend to ...
Solution:SET-COVER can be seen as a generalization of VERTEX COVER.For a given graph G ,consider each vertex as a set of the edges incident upon it.Formally,we define the sets S u ={(u,v )∈E |v ∈V }for all u ∈V .Also,we take U =E and let k be the same as in ...
(orkernel) is a polynomial-time procedure that reduces an instance (x,k) of a parameterized decision problem to an equivalent instance (x′,k′) such that |x′|,k′≤f(k) for some computable functionf, which is thesizeof the kernel. We also use the term kernel to refer to the ...