Related to aquatic vertebrate:aquatic mammal ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. aquatic vertebrate- animal living wholly or chiefly in or on water craniate,vertebrate- animals having a bony or cartilaginous skeleton with a segmented spinal column and a large brai...
Note the axially positioned notochord in the tail (black arrow), and the asymmetric fin with rays (white arrow). g, FMNH PE10601, myomere separations that resemble gill pouches but differ in their W-shape, lighter colour, and maximum width at the margin of the body. Note the arcualia (...
We used x-ray computed microtomography to scan specimens ofKolymaspisandRomundina. We scanned theKolymaspisspecimen TsNIGR 7656 at the Natural History Museum (Imaging and Analysis Centre), UK using the Nikon Metrology HMX ST 225 system, 210 kV, 150 mA, 2.5 mm copper filter, and result...
these views, the elements colored grey are of mesodermal origin. Note tha the neural crest-mesodermal boundary of the dermal skull roof is found in the frontal of this animal. Abbreviations: boc, basioccipital; bp, basal plate; cl, cleithrum; co, coracoid; d, dentary; e, ethmoid; eoc, ...
All animal experiments were approved by the UK Government Home Office. Timed matings were set up such that noon on the day on which vaginal plugs were detected was considered E0.5. Collection of embryonic and neonatal tissue was carried out according to the UK Home Office schedule one ...
During each cine-scan, monochromatic X-rays at 80 kV passed through the mudskipper, and the images were recorded at 30 frames/s for a few minutes. Still images taken by the X-ray camera were converted to movies using Image J. Statistics analyses The data are expressed as means ±...
as is the case for extranasalORgenes115,116. Phylogenies with full species names and sub-trees for each vertebrate (sub)class are available in Supplementary Figs.10and11, respectively. Animal silhouettes were obtained from between the number of complete genes of the di...
(Miocene-aged Chesapeake Group), MD, USA, preserve shark tooth impressions in the form of partial dental arcades. The specimens are the first known coprolites to preserve vertebrate tooth marks. They provide another example of trace fossils providing evidence of prehistoric animal behaviors that ...
To quantify ET units per segment, one pectoral fin from each animal was collected and regions of four segments proximal to the bifurcation point of the third and fourth fin rays were assessed. To visualize adult teeth, anesthetized fish were fixed in 4% PFA overnight and transferred into 0.01...
The dermatocranium (excluding the supraoccipital bone) was primarily derived from the mesoderm ancestrally, and new crest-derived elements were intercalated secondarily to accommodate adaptation to the expansion of the cranial vault in different ways in each animal lineage, thus obliterating homologies of...