Vertebral formulae, the combination of regional numbers of vertebrae making up the bony spine, vary across vertebrates and within hominoid primates. Reconstructing the ancestral vertebral formulae throughout hominoid evolution has proved a challenge due to limited fossil evidence and disagreement among ...
spinal column,spine,vertebral column,rachis,backbone,back- the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord; "the fall broke his back" cervical vertebra,neck bone- one of 7 vertebrae in the human spine located in the neck region ...
” realignment aims to reestablish a patient’s normal biomechanical relationship of the upper cervical spine to the vertical axis (gravity line). Restoration
Long fusion from sacrum to thoracic spine for adult spinal deformity with sagittal imbalance: upper versus lower thoracic spine as site of upper instrument... Despite increasing numbers of patients with adult spinal deformity, it is unclear how to select the optimal upper instrumented vertebra (UIV...
and Gunnar Bivens joined us. In addition to being a talented artist — he did all the skeletal recons in the new paper — Gunnar also has a fearsome command of the literature and an encyclopedic memory for specimen numbers. Pretty soon he’d contributed enough to the project that it was ...
Müller J, Scheyer TM, Head JJ, Barrett PM, Werneburg I, Ericson PGP (2010) Homeotic effects, somitogenesis and the evolution of vertebral numbers in recent and fossil amniotes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:2118–2123. ...
Analysis of changes in the scoliotic spine using a three-dimensional radiographic technique J. Biomech. (1980) J.Y. Rho et al. Relation of mechanical properties to density and CT numbers in human bone Med. Eng. Phys. (1995) R.H. Brown et al. Spinal analysis using a three-dimensional ...
Notable is the lack of pneumatic foramina on the centrum sides, the reduction of the neural spine, and subsuming of the neural canal into the middle of the centrum to form a neural tube (Frey and Martill, 1996), although this latter feature has also been recorded for another group, the...
(Sharing: public databases combat mistrust and secrecy;Running a question-and-answer website for science education: first hand experiences;Neural spine bifurcation in sauropod dinosaurs of the Morrison Formation: ontogenetic and phylogenetic implications; The Anatomy and Phylogenetic Relationships of “...
The average number of abdominal vertebrae turns out to be the lowest in fish with low fecundity. A group of low-fecundity fish is also identified when comparing the average relative fecundity in females with different numbers of vertebrae in the spine. Individuals with 17 abdominal vertebrae have...