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Results for out of sample show that the feedforward model is relatively accurate in forecasting both price levels and price direction, despite being quite simple and easy to use. However, the recurrent network forecast performance was lower than that of the feedforward model. This may be because...
Oil price proxies for fundamentals, while gold and silver prices capture sentiments. We find that the metrics for fundamentals and sentiments both predict real stock returns of South Africa, with nonlinearity, modelled by decomposition of these prices into their respective positive and negative ...
(or lack thereof) of means-ends connections (see Faulkner & Anderson,1987; Orton & Weick,1990). In tightly coupled systems, there is a shared understanding and a high degree of certainty about how actions and outcomes are linked. In loosely coupled systems, however, such linkages are ...
Article Refined Systems of National Accounts and Experimental Ecosystem Accounting Versus the Simplified Agroforestry Accounting System: Testing in Andalusian Holm Oak Open Woodlands Pablo Campos 1,*, Alejandro Álvarez 1, José L. Oviedo 1,2, Paola Ovando 1,3, Bruno Mesa 1 and Alejandro Caparr...