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Versus is a global data-driven comparison platform, covering over 90 categories. Compare smartphones, cameras, headphones, graphics cards, and much more. With detailed tech specs, data visualizations, and price comparisons, Versus is the best product fin
There is absolutely nothing in ordinary human experience to compare with the joy of the presence of the Love of God. No sacrifice is too great nor effort too much in order to realize that Presence. (Eye, 289) The true destiny of man is to realize the truth of the divinity of one’s ...
’ (Compare Carla’s objectionably irrelevant but very informative response: ‘Jack is a dentist’.) Explanation: φ∨ψ is about whether φ∧ψ (among other things), so is on-topic in a conversation about the latter. 7 Conclusion We have cast doubt on the efficacy of arguments against T...
The similarities end there. What are the differences between PM Arden and President Rajapaksa? a) Jacinda stands for an open democratic polity; she is not a dictator in waiting. b) There is nothing like the draconian 20th Amendment that she intends to foist on the people and authoritarianism ...
Stuck between two smartphones and can't decide which to buy? Versus IO will compare them side-by-side, spec-by-spec, and even offer a suggestion on which one to buy. Versus IO is one of the cleanest comparison tools we've seen yet. Just punch in the two phones you're looking at...
They make use of a set of tools that have been developed in the context of variational and historical pragmatics to compare levels of politeness across different varieties of English (Culpeper and Demmen 2011; Culpeper and Gillings 2018; Jucker 2020a: chapter 9; Haugh and Schneider 2012; ...
When they do bloom, which I hope will be next year, it will be interesting to compare the flowers and see which is the purer white. I’d love to hear your experience of growing these lovely Mediterranean geraniums and any top tips for cultivating them successfully. Geranium maderense“...
At this point, I offered to perform single pass Ronchi star testing on one of my telescopes and then let someone else test the same telescope in DPAC so we could compare the results. Paul (peleuba) immediately volunteered to do the DPAC testing. So in June of 2023, I performed the sing...