最简单的:运行MSCONFIG——引导——找到对应你要删除的,选中后点删除,完事。CMD方式:管理员启动CMD,输入bcdedit,找到对应earlier version of windows的标识符,注意看清楚对应的device、path、description的值是不是和earlier version of windows符合 然后输入bcdedit /delete 对应的标识符 /cleanup。比如...
A computer running 32 Bit (x86) Platform of Windows 7. Install Windows 7 with SP1 or install Windows 7 RTM Upgraded to SP1. Click theStartbutton, typeregeditin the search box to open the Registry Editor. Expand the following registry key: ...
All of the tools that you need to build and test a 64-bit version of your C/C++ application are included in the codenamed "Whistler" Beta version of the Windows Platform SDK. This includes the 64-bit- and 32-bit-compliant C header files, a compiler,...
To check your version of Windows 10 in the search box on the taskbar, typewinverand then selectWinverto openAbout Windows. To learn how to update to the latest version of Windows, or learn more about the “end of service” status for these ve...
cannot expand pf64 constant on this version of windows 不能扩大pf64恒在这个版本的Windows
People using Home or Pro editions of Windows for personal use are unlikely to face this issue as the LDP is a protocol used more often by IT departments to receive a print job on a printer or a server. Note: TheLine Printer Daemon protocol(LPR/LPD) is deprecated. When this feature is...
This version of Windows 10 has reached its end of servicing date. For more information, see Microsoft Product Lifecyle. Applies to Windows 10, version 1703 The Basic level gathers a limited set of information that is critical for understanding the device and its configuration including: basic de...
Take a free trial of the new version of Windows Intune 项目 2011/10/18 The newest version of Windows Intune is now available. Sign up here for a FREE 30-day trial and test it out on up to 25 PCs! Windows Intune brings together Windows cloud services for PC management, en...
It was released on October 5, 2021. Plus, this is compatible with Mac and Windows operating systems. The recent update of the Office Suites has made significant enhancements, including more comprehensive support for the OASIS OpenDocument file format, which is critical for interoperability with other...