Microsoft Store Promise Flexible Payments Education Microsoft in education Devices for education Microsoft Teams for Education Microsoft 365 Education Education consultation appointment Educator training and development Deals for students and parents Azure for students Business...
This article provides a version history for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Remote Assist features. For the most recent wave of features, see What's new in Dynamics 365 Remote Assist. To see a comprehensive list of released and upcoming features, see Dynamics 365 and Power Platform release plans, which...
Also Microsoft Teams is included in the following collections: • Connect With Your Team Microsoft Teams Version 5.22.2 Release Notes Bug fixes and performance improvements Microsoft Teams Version History • Microsoft Teams 6.23.2 (Latest Version, Updated: January 14, 2025) • Microsoft Teams 6...
This article includes the versioning information for both the new and classic versions of the Teams app. It contains the Microsoft Teams app releases and versioning history for Mac, Mobile, VDI, Web, and Windows. The releases are organized by Cloud type, deployment type, release month, release...
Hello Product Support Team, I have version history enabled on my share point and it is maintaining 100 version of my file which is good but it is...
If you don't see Version history, click the ellipsis (...) in the dialog box and then click Version history. You'll see a list of versions of the file. In the Version history dialog box, hover next to the version you want view and click the down ...
Teams-version etsiminen Valitse kolme pistettä (...) kuvan tai nimikirjaimien mukaan ja valitse Asetukset. Valitse Tietoja Teamsistaruudun alareunasta. Teams-versiosi ja se, milloin se on viimeksi päivitetty, näkyy näytön yläreunassa....
Microsoft 365 In this article Supported scenarios Download and run the Enterprise version of the Assistant Script the Enterprise version of the Assistant Switches available for all scenarios Version history of the Enterprise version of the Assistant ...
In questo articolo Versioni del firmware rilasciate nel cloud pubblico Versioni del firmware rilasciate nei cloud federali Per informazioni sulle versioni più recenti dell'app Teams, vedere Novità di Microsoft Teams Devices, Teams Rooms su Android....
Microsoft Teams (free) version is receiving four features for this month’s update, according to Microsoft. For the web and desktop, users will have the new ability to include Teams for work or school account users to meetings created on the desktop in Teams (free). Synced con...