- New type-safe `href` utility that guarantees links point to actual paths in your app ([#13012](https://github.com/remix-run/react-router/pull/13012)) @@ -69,6 +39,8 @@ ### Patch Changes - Handle custom `envDir` in Vite config ([#12969](https://github.com/remix-run/react...
Mission types are no longer hard-coded.The name of the XML element determines the actual mission class used by the game, but the mission type can be any arbitrary string. Can be used if you for example want to add special types of salvage missions, and categorize them separately in the ...
Actual: npm run css-compile > bootstrap@5.3.3 css-compile > sass --style expanded --source-map --embed-sources --no-error-css scss/:dist/css/ Deprecation Warning: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in ...
* Protecting system files: Disallow writing to actual Windows folder, not C:\Windows. * Sib-SSL: Return error when SSL_read returns 0 and SSL_get_error returns SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL. * Linux: Make /pre-analyze-action, /post-analyze-action and /post-sync-action work on Unix. Changes...
Husk eggs now come in two forms: Husk eggs with actual egg-like appearance and the syringe version. Typically syringes are crafted, so finding a syringe on creatures felt a bit out of place. The eggs look as yucky as you’d expect. Made saline significantly less effective as a treatment ...
However, sometimes you just want to see the actual source code. To support quickly hiding inlay hints, the editor.inlayHints.enabled setting has been changed: in addition to on and off, there are also values onUnlessPressed and offUnlessPressed. The on/offUnlessPressed values hide or show ...
* Fixed OTP dialog may show Email OTP method instead of the actual OT method. Version 9.3.1 July 4, 2022 * Do not allow to log in RoboForm on a device until user authorizes the device. * Improved RoboForm data search algorithm.
Many town trees are now actual tree objects, though you can't cut them down. Slight adjustment to the way items pop out when dug from the ground. Updated volcano gold ore node sprite. Maple and Oak trees have a chance to turn into Green Rain Trees and lose their leaves in the fall....
- A 'Show Chromecast Players' setting to allow hiding. - A 'Move playback' setting in the cast dialog to allow quickly controlling different players. *Fixed* - Skip time setting text shows the actual skip times. - Shuffling an offline play queue was broken. ...
ReactNative问题: warning react-native > create-react-class > fbjs > core-js@1.2.7: core-js@<2.6.8 is no longer maintained. Please, upgrade to core-js@3 or at least to actual version of core-js@2 处理: 下载并保存core-js警告消息中请求的模块版本: ...