For it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but woe to that man through whom the stumbling block comes! James 1:15 Verse Concepts Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death. Luke 17:1 Verse Concepts He said to ...
Romans 5:3-5 - And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance;
The Supreme Lord said: It is lust Kama, born out of passion Rajo Guna, that becomes anger when unfulfilled. Lust is insatiable and is a great devil. Know this as the enemy. - Chapter 3 Action Verse 37 134tweet As the fire is covered by smoke, as a mirror by dust and as an embr...
“That I am the livingAnd she the dead!” “IF YOU HAD KNOWN” If you had knownWhen listening with her to the far-down moan Of the white-selvaged and empurpled sea, And rain came on that did not hinder talk, Or damp your flashing facile gaietyIn turning home, despite the slow ...
The passing stranger within his gates that camped with old Rooster Hall Was forced to talk about fowls all night, or else not talk at all. Though droughts should come, and though sheep should die, his fowls were his sole delight; He left his shed in the flood of work to watch two ...
The victim of his lust cried out: "Ehue, that all in vain I Should to this hour have kept intact my rosy sphincter ani. Fool that I was to keep it sweet and clean for this old odger! With his three-cornered velper and his greasy balls to rodger!