For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.– John 3:16 OUR LATEST VIDEOS I sometimes wonder if John knew when he penned that iconic verse that he had a collection of words that would transform nat...
“Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.” When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” The dead man came ...
Becoming a cultural icon isn’t about constantly dominating the marquee. It’s about sustained excellence that becomes mundanity. Wayne has been an amazing lyricist for so long that he’s grandfathered into our consciousness like an old habit. Even if we’re annoyed by his antics, we can’t...
Dear God, you are full of joy andyour joy is my strength. You give me peace even in the midst of trouble and I know that your plans for me are the best. Thank you for always being there with me. Help me to start this day feeling joyful because of all that you have provided for...
Therein lies a conundrum, in that we cannot blame the Church because collectively Christians did not folow the word of God, by being honest, by observing our faith, by attending mass and respecting our parents, etc… with a resultant loss of Culture, morality, faith and direction. We have ...
Doug has already accomplished that recently by makeings Bayt situationally spin 1/2: Qabala. Yæs? Pirsig's MoQ assa Qualityq assa quantons(DQ,SQ): quantons(~Bayt~): quantons(Gametria™). WOW MOM Quantonics: Theht Revelation. Now talk about strategic!!! But what about Aamaleq? 22...
Words are at the heart of all communication. The words you choose can help or hurt any situation. Whenever you have an issue or conflict comes up, think carefully about what you choose to say to your partner about it. Look for means of expression that are gentle, kind, honest, and true...
he made mention of the fight that he got into with a man that he saw him kissing his ex-wife Kim back in June 2000, and the gun charge that he caught right before that. His verse was an open, honest expression of how he felt about fame (mostly, about how much he hated it) and...
The Gentleman About Town asks me to make acknowledgements on his behalf to the many ladies and gentlemen who have assisted him in this compilation; and to express his regret that circumstances deter him from giving them their proper share of thanks by naming them here. ...
Brockhampton's lead singer's brashness is building the Texas boy band a cult-like following. And this is the verse that set everything off for them this summer. He rapped about being with men like rappers have rapped about women since the hip-hop began, and that's important. Kevin Abstra...