These Bible verses teach us that if a man is trusting in any way other than Jesus Christ for salvation, that man has missed [...] 从以上的经文我们可以知 道,如果一个人以为他所选择的那条耶稣以外的道路会领他到他想要去的 地方,那他就大错特错了。 centerformissio...
Verses for Life is a topical Bible verse memorization tool. It contains packs of verses including the Topical Memory System for you to memorize verses and improve your understanding of scripture. The Verse Quiz feature lets you practice verses one-at-a-time with the familiar show/hide functionali...
“Jesus replied, “Your mistake is that you don’t know the Scriptures, and you don’t know the power of God.”Matthew 22:29 9.Luke 5:15 “But despite Jesus’ instructions, the report of his power spread even faster, and vast crowds came to hear him preach and to be healed of the...
Bible quotes about love allow you to reflect on your relationship with your spouse and God—perfect for a wedding, anniversary, vow renewal, or any celebration.
All these died in faith, without receiving the promises, but having seen them and having welcomed them from a distance, and having confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. John 6:29 Verse Concepts Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you...
61 Bible Verses about God, Goodness OfMost Relevant Verses Mark 10:18 Verse Concepts And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone. Matthew 19:17 Verse Concepts And He said to him, “Why are you asking Me about what is good? There is ...
God has provided us with so much wisdom in this area because He is for us and loves us, not because He wants anything from us. It’s worth digging into legacy in the Bible and finding some financial insight that motivates and inspires you!
The main reason being is that you cannot get saved in the Lord without a certain measure of faith operating in you, as the Bible tells us that we are saved by grace through our“faith”in Jesus. So God has no other alternative but to give each person a certain measure of faith, other...
Jesus didn’t have to forgive us, but he loved us so much that He prayed to Father in heaven that we would be forgiven. Bible verses about loving through the truth Sharing the truth in love “‘God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.’ The woman ...
Praise God’s word 1 Youth group 1 Brothers in Christ 1 Bible Thumpers 1 Doerksen Fam 1 300 road ccd bible quizing 1 Other Bible verses to study 1 Unicorns For Jesus 1 Ben Tyn Tyn 1 Super Summer 2025 1 Sophomore Memory Challenge 1 bible luvers 1 Catholic Lectionary 1 Ferraz Penrod...