It is more about You and Now, rather than Them and Back Then. There is not much to say about the "Unknown." To dig is to discover. The Ten Thousand Things are more enchanting than the Silent One. Rather than "love mankind," it'd rather admire a few good people. A calluse...
What does the Quran say about 72 virgins? In Islam, people who commit good deeds are rewarded and those who commit evil deeds are punished. Terrorists, all terrorists regardless of race, ethnicity or religion, will be and should be punished not rewarded. Nowhere in the Quran will one find,...
You can take that one to your bank and finance an unimaginable bounty of quantum products: all new, all good (but assa we have found, some may be used for evil too: this issue shall persist sempiternally; we must evolveq selves to learn means to manage quantum~futureings' ~unlimitedq~...
and something like 480 into 4ohms, which is more than adequate:rolleyes: For some reason those that are reading seem to think I am complaining about the A9's not being a very good speaker, which is quite opposite of what I am getting at:) I think they are great, just not as great...