Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Picture Height: 3451 pixels | Picture Width: 5326 pixels | Lens Aperture: f/4 | Image Exposure...
theme for the current session is proof that the prophecy of Isaiah, whoseverseisrightly engraved in front of the United Nations building, has been slow to become reality. 以赛亚的话语被恰当镌刻在联合国大楼正面,然 而大会本届会议主题的选择证明,他的预言迟...
thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself becau...
Angelus avoided fights that he feared could result in his demise; Spike thought danger added to the thrill. Despite their vehement rivalry, they proved to be a team that bested many opponents.[39] Spike would describe Angel as his sire, likening Angelus to a mentor;[17] even though ...
You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? I always ask that of all my prey. I just like the sound of it. „ ~ The Joker to Bruce, serving as foreshadowing of the fact that he killed Bruce's parents.“ "Winged freak terrorizes…?" Wait'll they get a load of me!
Not, thought Lindsay sternly to herself, that she would have time to spare for dancing, though something told her she was lying to herself. Lindsay surveyed her fellow passengers from under her hat. They were the usual assortment. The train would be busy. During the recent muggle war, heal...
Lord, Who Shall Stand, If Thou, O Lord PREVIEW 0:37 56 Psalm 130 (Martyrdom): III. I Wait for God, My Soul Doth Wait PREVIEW 0:37 57 Psalm 130 (Martyrdom): IV. I Say, More Than They That Do Watch PREVIEW 0:38 58 Psalm 130 (Martyrdom): V. And Plenteous ...
Slumlord,malignant narcissistand shapeshifting humanoid turkey vultureSonya Marie Smith Moransquawks and lets loose the gasp of her ego’s death after finding out that the tenants in one of her buildings have organized and formed an association. After all, they’ve got that right, but Sonya doe...
9 "At that time they will deliveryouup to punishment and will putyoutodeath; andyouwill be objects of hatred to all the nations becauseyouare called by my name. Persecution Fulfilled in First Century Another indication this is a First Century event. For those of you who buy into the book...
As things are, Kel eventually hears Ilane asking why she’s had to scour the palace to see her daughter, then tells the watch person that if there are more questions to be had for Kel, they can find her in the pages’ wing of the palace. Someone hauls Kel up onto their shoulder an...