Astute readers of the previous post will have already noticed that of course everything there about how languages construct subjects applies to RPG rule systems and how they structure games and their players (hey look at that, Trick’s Tales is on a similar kick for D&D). Game systems are,...
The New Perspective on Paul shows that when Paul talks about salvation by faith, he has a deeper concept of faith that would be better rendered faithfulness. So while the KJV renders Romans 1:17’s quotation of Habakkuk as “The just shall live by faith” the RSV, Catholic and non-Cathol...
Today’s Bible verse talks about letting peace rule in your heart. This means that you’ve got to choose to let peace rule in your heart. You can decide to let the decision-making process be overwhelming and let it consume you to where you’re stressed out and fearful. Or you can det...
faith, Eric is confused by his feelings of betrayal. His growing understanding of his place in Hong Kong society and the circumstances surrounding his uncle’s disappearance compels him to question all that he has come to believe is true. And just like his uncle before him, Eric finds ...
Chae Soo Bin: Wow, you’ve been thinking about all of that? Now I know. Harper’s Bazaar: Was it worth preparing for it? Yoo Yeon Seok: For example, I asked a question like, “What would you do if a cockroach asked to live with you?” When I was asked the same question by ...
It was thought about 10 to 15 minutes passed before the women noticed the two toddlers had wandered off. Well sorry, but any mother who lets a toddler out of her sight for 10 or 15 minutes near a river has no one to blame but herself if the child drowns. That’s a hard thing ...
This article is part of our extensive resource library of terms important to the Christian faith. From heaven and hell tocommunionandbaptism, we want to provide easy-to-read and understand articles that answer your questions about theological terms and their meaning. ...
Could it be that Miguel, blinded by grief, has put too much faith in the order of the universe? And failed to understand that sometimes the unexpected is the most beautiful? And that following the right path sometimes involves rewriting the rules? That, one can presume, wil...
Information Source for Fans of Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse, Dr Horrible and More Recent Site Updates: Now Working on: Episodes Guides Recent Posts People Interview: David Boreanaz Talks Angel People Interview: David Boreanaz on leaving SEAL Team ...
Jeffing talks with him. He’s happy for us to take the higher flowers that he won’t harvest. One problem. They’re 20 feet up. The branches of the moringa are brittle as an elder bush; the thing is unclimbable. Magically, Das appears with a scythe blade, mounted on a 10-foot po...