For His anger lasts only a moment, but His favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.
Wesley meets two ghosts from the early Hollywood era who lead him to a better understanding of his life. Short story* Angel: Model Behavior Los Angeles, December 21, 2001 Cordelia is invited to become a model, but there is a significant catch: An enchanted pocket mirror that produces une...
Please know that your testimony will touch and encourage so many others who may be struggling. Your journey is proof that with God, all things are possible, and His plans for us are greater than we can imagine. May He continue to bless you, bring you peace, and walk with you every ste...
This is why most states, and Roe V Wade, have within them a sliding scale that at the bottom, early pregnancy, near unlimited freedom to abort but as time passes suchs as a late term there are more and more restrictions. Late term abortions are only done for specific reasons depending o...
There is no conflict between them, but there are gentle hints of other things amiss – a “black spirit dog … sniffing the Styx”, the pig hunting that destroys the peace, the white policeman who shows no concern about whether the two young indigenous men who set off on foot have made...
All other "peace" than that extended by God and possessed by the saints, will "break up," as Rutherford says, "at the last, in a sad war." And how wonderful to be of those whose Father is God! to whom the apostle can say in truth, "God our Father." Only those who have ...
Somethng like that “running away from” nightmare many experience. Having said all THAT, this is simply a thank you for your almost affinity-like understanding. But, yup, I must have quite a few years on you. But it does not stop us, right? I keep on –grinning! PEACE and LIGHT ...
I’ll likely get more vocal about my opinions and ideas as I age. For now, I will say that I disagree with violence, hatred, and destruction from anyone. On that note, I hope for resolution and return to peace. I hope people calm down and work together. I hope restaurants open again...
Your journey is proof that with God, all things are possible, and His plans for us are greater than we can imagine. May He continue to bless you, bring you peace, and walk with you every step of your journey. Thank you for sharing your heart so openly. You are a light to others....