here it is, published at Poemshape. Having written this, I might be ready to finish the outline for my third novel in the WistThistle fantasy series. That will be in the next couple days and then I’ll be writing a novel again. If you have any questions about theKnob & Tube, ask ...
/ About copper dreams/ wrapped in iron chains./ About working hard/ for long hours/ from can see/ to can’t./ For free.” Alexander’s message is contained in the student’s words to her teacher: “But
And how well Paul carried out his separation to this high calling, the gospel, the good news about Christ! Yet there are those today, even today, who in ignorance and pride affect to despise the words of this great apostle,--as Peter [4] warns, "to their own destruction" (2Pe 3:...
And I’m absolutely sure this would be best demonstrated with some branch of science (though there the challenge usually comes from foreigners or those differently trained and on the fringes) but I know nothing about this, so we’ll go with the arts and literature. The arts first, because ...
Lord Pumpkin then appeared before Sludge, offering him another installment towards his death if he slew Bloodstorm. Lord Pumpkin explained the Zuke to Sludge so he would know what the war was all about, at the same time watching Bloodstorm's progress via his magic egg. Bloodstorm slew some of...
- Coventry Patmore, 1823-1896,The Seasons "To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough time." - Leonard Bernstein "Forty is about the age for unexpected developments: extroverts turn introspective, introverts become sociable, and everyone, without regard to typ...