A tear. “I s’pose we won’t be seeing each other— Not now we’ve finished what you canned.” “Oh Ned," She sighed. Wiry sparks like little shorts Arced between lips and fingers as she dabbed Her lips. “Tell me, dear, how’s the garden? I do ...
Apart from Him, there is no news from heaven but that of coming woe! Read that passage in 1Co 15:3-5 : "I make known unto you the gospel which I preached unto you: that Christ died, Christ was buried; Christ hath been raised; Christ was seen." It is all about the Son of God...
In a dream of his, Buffy had come to finally kill Spike and Spike encouraged her, unable to bear seeing her everyday. Unexpectedly, Spike pulled Buffy into a passionate kiss and told her he loved her. Spike woke from his fantasy, shocked and horrified at the true feelings he had for ...
castle's treasures. The two fell in love and were married once Mathias was set free from the Ottoman court by Leon Belmont. Elisabetha was the person who caused Mathias to descend into darkness and become Dracula in the first place. If she never died, Mathias would have never become ...
Spike took Dawn to the warlock Doc to find a spell, and was badly injured by a Ghora demon in their quest for one of the ingredients. Dawn ultimately decided to break the spell without seeing if her mother had been raised as a zombie.[74] Buffy kisses Spike on her own will for ...
I’ve Made Today Warm,” a beautiful and celestial poem, and I immediately was in love with their work. What I loved about the poem was that the “you” felt like it was me, and so I was pulled into this strange world, listening to the commands and seeing everything as it was rev...
“In his cabin; he went back shortly after you left us earlier, my dear. Such an upset, seeing George must have done it. He kept saying he wasn’t safe. We left him in bed, green as troll’s boggy asking to be locked in ” answered Cordelia with feeling, much to her friend’s...
Write about a tryst that starts at the laundromat. Tell us what happens to all those missing socks. Air some “dirty laundry.” Write a tiny poem that might have been found crumpled in a pocket when sorting the laundry. Write a poem full of laundry instructions. How would you wash the ...
I pictured larger ones. Little did I know how exquisite, still less expect my hope of seeing them to come true. Never, in my wildest castles of the air, did I imagine this.” Lava must once have streamed over the sea-floor here, baking shells to white hard rock. Th...
about that. In America they have the medicine that will help her Grandma, so she sets out to get herself and her goat to America. She doesn’t really know how to go about it but that isn’t going to stop her. It turns out getting to America isn’t so easy and many things happen...