The secrets she had uncovered were merely a prelude to a much larger and more dangerous mystery—one that would soon challenge not only her magical abilities but also her understanding of the very fabric of reality. In the halls of the Mage Academy, a new era of magic was about to unfold...
Fearing that the current Slayer will bring about Twilight, thirty fearful Watchers commit suicide by poisoning their drinks in a dining hall. Novel*(flashback) Buffy: Night of the Living Rerun Salem, Massachusetts, 1692 The Slayer Samantha Kane is summoned to investigate an accused witch but,...
Under the teachings of the Devon coven, Willow regained control of her magic, though was hesitant and careful about how much she used, fearing that she might revert to her "dark" self.[60] At the time, she met his great-aunts Lavinia and Sophronia Fairweather.[61] ...
Deep into the monitor peering, long I sat there wond’ring, fearing, Doubting, while the disk kept churning, turning yet to churn some more. "Save!" I said, "You cursed mother! Save my data from before!" One thing did the phosphors answer, only this and nothing more, ...
Betty and Jughead asking Kevin about the car After an unfriendly exchange with Sweet Pea and Fangs, who don't trust Betty and suspect that she's simply going to bail on them like her mother did, Betty and Jughead meet up with Kevin to gain intel of the shady man's car. According to...
DAMN.’s “Yah” features a mention of Carl Duckworth, Kendrick’s God-fearing cousin who often lays Bible passages on the thoughtful rapper. Here, Carl teaches Lamar about the Book of Deuteronomy, which talks of the penalties for breaking the rule of God. “The Lord will send on you ...
Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him. (4) We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work. (5) As long as I am in the world, I am the ...