Miguel: (sincere) Miles, we all want to live the life we wish we had -- believe me, I have tried. And the harder I tried, the more damage I did. You can't have it all, kid. [A phalanx of Spiders surround Miles. More than we realized.] Miguel: Being Spider-Man is a sacr...
Chosen and Edited with Notes by William Stanley Braithwaite Braithwaite’s magnum opus—and a great landmark in verse anthologies—these three monumental volumes with extensive notes contain 1,796 selections. See also the Books ofRestorationandGeorgianVerse. Bibliographic RecordPrefaceIntroduction Contents ...
The sonorous presence of a voice intoning a poem triggers a number of experiential transformations, the most obvious being that the reader is turned into a listener, who cedes control of the temporality in which the poem is experienced. Another consequential effect of the aural experience of ...
in this shloka. So the conversation that was initiated by Arjuna is concluded here. Arjuna says that the ignorance of his true nature is no more, since he has regained his smritihi, his memory, the knowledge of his true self. When one comes to know about their true self, there is no...
Kel knows that she has to accept what’s there and attempt a fresh start, if desired, but she’s being smart to wait and see what his actions will do, rather than his words. If Joren is sincere about this apology and desire for a fresh start, then he’ll back this speech with ...
which contains layer upon layer of allegorical truth about spiritual mysteries. No notes can do justice to its full meaning. Volumes have been writing on the subject, the most notable being ImámGhazáli's Mishkát-ul-Anwár. In these notes I propose to explain the simplest meaning of this pas...
Even though I never could have shown them in class for fear of parent complaints about language and innuendo, I think Dr. Sparky Sweets (a play on Spark Notes) would have drawn my students into a deeper love of classical literature. I have to say: I got an education as I explored the...
“As one does not worry about the maintenance of a sold animal, so one will not worry about maintaining oneself upon fully offering one’s body unto the Supreme Lord.” D daivi hy esa guna-mayi mama maya duratyaya mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etam taranti te ...
Calmly, the cow walks deeper into the room and finally stops within about a metre from my table. One more step, and its breath will disturb the steam on my masala chai. The cow is so close I can smell it. We look at each other. I sense there is going to be some kind of revelat...
As far as continuity/plot holes and things of that nature, I think the movie could actually stand to be about 15-20 minutes longer. There really aren't many issues though so maybe this is just me being greedy for more visuals.Original review: Sure, we can dissect and critique and ...