Shop Verizon smartphone deals and wireless plans on the largest 4G LTE network. First to 5G. Get Fios for the fastest internet, TV and phone service.
[导读]据国外媒体报道,T-Mobile美国公司日前宣布,与Verizon Wireless签署一项互换无线电频谱块协议,范围覆盖全美218个市场。T-Mobile表示,本次收购将提高该公司在美国15个市场(排名在前25位)的频谱地位。根据这一协议 据国外媒体报道,T-Mobile美国公司日前宣布,与VerizonWireless签署一项互换无线电频谱块协议,范围覆盖全...
Verizon Wireless and T-Mobile US to swap airwavesLeading US player Verizon Wireless has partnered with T-Mobile US to exchange airwaves throughout the country.Donoghue, SophieCapacity Magazine
Shop Verizon smartphone deals and wireless plans on the largest 4G LTE network. First to 5G. Get Fios for the fastest internet, TV and phone service.
Shop Verizon smartphone deals and wireless plans on the largest 4G LTE network. First to 5G. Get Fios for the fastest internet, TV and phone service.
Shop Verizon smartphone deals and wireless plans on the largest 4G LTE network. First to 5G. Get Fios for the fastest internet, TV and phone service.
實時監測網路服務的DownDetector數據顯示,包括AT&T、Cricket Wireless、Verizon、T-Mobile和其他服務供應商的全美許多手機用戶,22日一早都遭遇了手機服務中斷問題。 …
We compare T-Mobile and Verizon cell phone plans. Learn key features and pricing to decide which company has the best wireless plan for you.
【美国多家电信运营商信号短暂中断】据监测数据显示,美国部分电信运营商如AT&T、Cricket Wireless、Verizon、T-Mobile等的蜂窝网络在当地时间2月22日凌晨出现短暂故障。具体而言,AT&T在休斯敦、亚特兰大和芝加哥等地发生了5万多次信号问题,Cricket Wireless出现了9000多次问题,Verizon超过2000次,T-Mobile超过1000次,Boost Mob...
Can I keep my current Verizon wireless plan? Yes, users with an existing plan can keep their current plan. However, if you're on an existing Mix & Match or Welcome Unlimited plan you can choose to switch one or all of your lines to myPlan at any time. All other plans must switch al...