Verizon Wireless is ridiculously expensive. There, I said it, now let’s move on with life and find some ways to lower your monthly Verizon bill. Ways that won’t require much work on your end, which if you’re like me, are some of the best ways to save some cash. Let’s do ...
ITG Investment Research analyst Matthew Goodman is forecasting monthly sales record for all of Verizon’s devices “based largely on our proprietary daily point-of-sale data from thousands of independent wireless retailers across the US.” Ok, so far so good, if we use the same source for a...
It doesn't include Corporate (or vzwonline) sales. We don't know WHAT retailers it is including. (are they big box, are they mom and pop? what type GREATLY influences devices sold) In fact, we have no idea WHAT this data really points to in the larger scheme of things. ...
You have a few good points, but I think you are ignoring the fact that wireless carriers have presented devices as their own creation for quite some time. I used to work in the industry and I can recall a couple of models from as long ago as 20 years ago that we...
s data network would also ensure greater security, as you’d know that the phone is being used where it says it is, and no-one’s cloned the RFID data to steal your money. There’s also the opportunity for retailers to send data back to your phone, in the form of adverts or ...
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The LG Revere® 3 (VN170) is a simple & easy flip phone for Verizon Wireless is capable of sending text, picture and voice messages. View tech specs. Order now.