OnePlus 13 review: The best Android phone you can stick in a dishwasher!WTS:VERIZON BlackBerry Bold Thread starter amyf27 Start date Sep 17, 2018 Home Forums Android Central Community The Marketplace - Buy, Sell & Trade amyf27 Well-known member Oct 24, 2015 9,902 264 83 Visit site ...
Is this difference the loss of a trade-in credit or something? What’s my best move here? Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 … 42 Next You must log in or register to reply here. Share: Facebook X (Twitter) Reddit Email Link Register on MacRumors! This sidebar wi...
Verizon says it is "breaking the rules" and will offer up to $1,000 toward a new 5G phone to customers who trade in their broken or water damaged devices.
Share on Reddit (opens in a new window) Share on Hacker News (opens in a new window) Share on Flipboard (opens in a new window) Verizon was the first US carrier to make a big push into 5G network technology. Its rival AT&T has had 5G almost as long, but customers still can't ...
Anything else I need to check on phone before sending it in with IMEI status, etc When I was trading in a T-Mobile iPhone I had to make sure it was unlocked and paid off before they could complete the trade in. That was last year when we switched ba...
I posted a similar message on XDA Galaxy Nexus forum because I get the impression there's not a ton of overlap between the two forums... apologies if you see it twice. Share: FacebookX (Twitter)RedditPinterestWhatsAppEmailLink
and purchase a smartphone on a device payment plan will also be able to get a $200 prepaid Visa gift card for up to 4 lines. A family of four that switches to Verizon during Black Friday, for example, will be able to get $800 back while also taking advantage of the trade-in plan....
Too bad Apple also includes plenty of "crapware" (in this case, apps with limited functionality that you can't remove if you don't want/need them) Stocks(I use eTrade Mobile Pro) Compass(who gives a *&^%) Weather(I use The Weather Channel) ...
Can you trade-in your phone for a credit towards a new phone? Verizon used to offer trade-ins with the old Edge plans, but currently there is no such option under the new plan. However, it’s likely that Verizon will offer trade-in promotions at various times to entice customers to pu...
Boost Mobile has always been seen as a smaller phone service provider, but the trade-off of that is the lower prices it offers. The company has now announced major upgrades to its growing 5G network. Previously, Boost Mobile operated as an MVNO (or mobile virtual network operator). In othe...