While Verizon believes the texts are fraudulent, Young said they do not believe they pose any threat to your cell phone. The best thing to do in this situation, he said, is just delete the message. “We advise our customers to never open a text message or email that is unfamiliar or s...
Deleted text messages exchanged via Verizon wireless network are stored on the server for 10 days (240 hours). After this period, the content of the message is removed from its database, and you cannot reaccess them. However, you can get basic details such as sender and recipient information...
Here's how to manage plans for international travel and view international data usage via the My Verizon app. Once TravelPass®is enabled, any international usage may incur the daily session charge; disabling TravelPass blocks international usage. Refer to theTravelPass FAQsfor info. Ensure your...
Write an email, reply to a text message or post to your favorite social networking account all from a single screen. BlackBerry® Messenger (BBM™) An instant messaging service for BlackBerry devices. Its features are built right into many apps, so you can share or chat with other ...
Posted in Weekly output | Tagged 3D printing, Comcast, Comcast broadband, Comcast broadcast fee, Comcast regional sports network fee, Icon Technology, iMessage, Kara Swisher, password manager, RCS, regolith, sign in with Apple, SMS, Snapdragon Summit, social logins, SSO, text messages, Twitter ...
Write an email, reply to a text message or post to your favorite social networking account all from a single screen. BlackBerry® Messenger (BBM™) An instant messaging service for BlackBerry devices. Its features are built right into many apps, so you can share or chat with other ...
@VerizonSupport @hansvestberg i don’t need ur understanding, i need u to fix all issues with my fios and wireless acct. I spent 2-3 hrs on the phone and text messages with u since nov 30th with no solution. I spoke with Brian, Sandy, Derek, Cole, Linda, Rebecca, James and many...
like to claim. Most vote Democratic and are for reinstating Roe v. Wade, but the media makes it seem otherwise. Black men and Black women generally agree (both around 68%) in favor of Roe v. Wade. More White women than White men do. How do these issues show up in our houses, our...
I'm interrupting our usual discussions on mostly macro issues to tell a very personal and extremely frustrating micro story about how I ended up not buying something I had planned to buy. First, you need to know that one of my basic rules in life is that
Net10used to only be a flat 10 cents/minute for airtime and texting, but they’ve had to change with the times. Today, talk and text are virtually free and users mostly pay for data use. Net10 currently has a number of plan options. You can still get basic talk/text plans, if you...