AT&T推出的Unlimited无限流量套餐有三个套餐等级,最基础的Unlimited Starter套餐$65/月起,4条线可降至$35/月/线,包含无限通话、短信和数据流量,在美国可向200+国家发送无限免费短信,在加拿大墨西哥境内也可以无限通话短信和网络(但可能只有2G网速),使用5G网络无须额外加钱,包含ActiveArmor安全服务可以拦截骚扰电话。 U...
Verizon has the best prepaid phones, hotspot devices and plans, including our new lowest priced prepaid Unlimited plan with loyalty discounts. Shop now and save.
T-Mobile的prepaid价格如下,不需要SSN: 我的建议是,既然美洲电信是用的T-Mobile的服务,而且价格更便宜,不打算换成AT&T或者Verizon的话,就没必要把美洲电信换成T-Mobile了。 5.Summary 综上所述,有几个要点: a. 有美洲电信就不要换T-Mobile的卡了,没必要(个人观点); b. AT&T信号强度在USC周边并不比美洲电...
Total by Verizon (formerly Total Wireless) $100 Unlimited 30-Day 4 Lines Prepaid Plan (100GB Shared Data at High Speeds, then 2G) + 10GB of Mobile Hotspot Per Line Direct Top Up 673.2 out of 5 Stars. 67 reviews Save with Total by Verizon (formerly Total Wireless) $50 Unlimited Single...
但是如果Wifi用量比较少,大部分都处于使用流量的情况下,Unlimited套餐对你的帮助可以说是非常显著。其次,家庭套餐基本都选择无限流量套餐。如果只有两个人想开家庭套餐,需要支付的费用跟Prepaid和Individual没差多少,想要低价使用无限套餐一般要4人会更划算。 美国三大电信运营商无限流量套餐对比...
Prepaid套餐 如果有解锁手机,其实选择Prepaid套餐更加划算,特别是选择虚拟运营商价格会更加便宜。虽然虚拟运营商也是使用三大公司的网络,但网络速度会有所限制,比不上直接在三大运营商开通服务那样能获得最高级的速度。 比如Cricket、Metro by T-Mobile、MintMobile等等都主打预付套餐,特别是家庭套餐更加划算。
month.Save $20/mo when you add any Verizon Prepaid Unlimited phone plan to your Multiline account. First line on the account can be either a phone or data plan. Each additional Unlimited phone line receives a $20/mo discount. Additional $10/mo Auto Pay discount eligible after the 1st...
new Verizon Prepaid Unlimited plan.Save $430 on iPhone SE (3rd Gen) with 5G Taxes and fees apply. $119.99 due at purchase; activation on a new Verizon Prepaid Unlimited plan required. $310 discount applied at checkout. $10/mo service credit appl...
Save $20/mo when you add an additional Verizon Prepaid Unlimited plan to your account. First line on the account can be either a phone or data plan. Each additional Unlimited phone line receives a $20/mo discount. Additional $10/mo Auto Pay discount eligible after the 1st month. Auto ...
Verizon on Monday introduced a new unlimited data tier for prepaid customers, with the plan adding to the mobile carrier's four capped options. Announced through the company's website, the unlimitedprepaid plancosts $80 and features all you can eat talk, text and data. Like postpaid plans, ...