Use this page to contact Verizon Customer Service. Use Verizon Support for help with Common TV, internet or phone service issues.
What home internet options do I have? Which companies provide service in my area? How secure is my home internet and more frequently asked questions.
Awful. Went to 3 Verizon stores to learn about and start internet service. Three different answers and none of them could answer several of my questions. The last guy just flat out told me he didn't know anything about the equipment or service and was just there to sell me a plan. I...
but the bottom line is again self-evident and self-explanatory.Anything that adds to your attack surface on the internet can be targeted and potentially be the first foothold for an external threat actor,and as such,the focus should be to try to keep footholds to a minimum.No matter how ...
LTE Internet (Installed) (formerly HomeFusion® Broadband) A home internet service that delivers the speeds of our 4G LTE network to a broadband router. The LTE Internet router also provides a Wi-Fi signal giving internet access throughout the home. It’s a great solution for customers with...
The Verizon Family app replaces the Verizon Smart Family app, which came in two pricing tiers: $4.99 or $9.99 per month. In addition to location tracking, it allowed parents to set time limits for internet use, filter content, and see the battery levels of their children’s devices. ...
My Verizon Internet and Phone service cable was recently cut by a contractor digging a ditch near my house. I called Verizon on my cell phone to report the outage and they argued with me and told me that my phone line checked out just fine! I had to call 3 times and finally spoke to...
@verizonfios @Verizon Trying to purchase the “whole shebang” - TV, Internet, Jetpack hot spot, cell phone upgrade. Is there not one person who can help with it all? And why can’t I just call? “Download an app and set up an appointment” - really? #customerserviceisagoodthing ...
A detailed description of what you see in your neighborhood, on the line near your house, on the side of your house, and inside when you get Verizon's FIOS Internet service.
Trust me. Verizon dude who set up my internet last year was done in less than 30 minutes. Justin (@JustinTweets4) reported 31 minutes ago from Arlington, Virginia @frozensooner Verizon customer service also sucks, for what it's worth. Akia Ashmond Brew (@AkiaGarnett) reported 32 minutes...