Verizon Wireless Security Department This email was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming email. Please do not reply to this message. Phishing Scam email Verizon Service <e-mail address removed> Subject: Security Message - Verify Your Information ...
You can also report fraud to the Federal Trade Commission. In addition, you can also contact your local police department if you’ve lost money due to spoofing. Verizon will never contact you unsolicited. If you get a call or message claiming to be from Verizon, but from another number or...
I was told then that the problem on the account had not been fixed like I was told and he was able to actually fix the fraud problem on my account. I asked for some kind of confirmation the problem had been fixed and he said they don't do that. He was also able to restore servic...
After calling in one day to help a customer on a new line issue on port the person on port was trying to take the sale and my manager hung up on them and this happened to another coworker of mine but his was with fraud. My manger told me a few days... —read more ...